Use Value to Break Out of the Pain of Price Pressure

If you are feeling squeezed by your customers’ demands for better pricing, you may be missing all that you can learn from value selling training. 

Most often pricing pressure is a warning signal that you need to better show your customers how your solution will benefit them in terms of improved outcomes. Learn how to demonstrate that investing with you will bring them steady, lasting and meaningful returns. Provide the kind of value that goes far beyond price.

Here are some ways to build value in your customers’ eyes:

  • Think about what you are proposing they buy. Will what you sell allow your customer to increase revenue, improve profitability, reduce costs, satisfy customers or improve productivity? Make sure you clearly link your solution to their business priorities and articulate it in a way that matters most to them.
  • Provide something of value each time you interact with your customer. Perhaps you can share insights about their industry or competition, or connect them with a subject matter expert who can help with an important initiative, or provide valuable benchmarks or trends.
  • Suggest opportunities for additional knowledge…a program or book or article that will increase their knowledge of the industry.

Be creative in the ways you expand your customers’ thinking from the prices you charge to the value you bring – the whole customer experience should bring measurable valuable.

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